Not all seniors get lucky enough to have a family member or a loved one available to accompany and assist them in their homes. To ensure their comfort and safety, they solely rely on home care agencies, like us, Aztek Nursing Registry, Inc., the number one health care center in Miami FL. The following are just some of the accidents that risk seniors’ safety at home.
There are many things that could cause seniors to fall, including fatigue, impaired vision, gait instability and obstructions on the floor. Because seniors, especially those who are over the age of 75, will require great assistance in avoiding falling accidentally, if a family member is not around to provide care, there should at least be a home aide, like our skilled aides at Aztek Nursing Registry, Inc., a trusted health care center in Miami FL, hired to supervise and maintain the safety of the elderly and their surroundings.
Burns and Scalds
Household chores, including cooking, are some of the major causes of accidents, whether it is because of their forgetfulness or limitations that come with aging or health conditions, for elderly people living alone at home. When they are cooking or boiling water, for example, as seniors tend to be forgetful and easily distracted, they might forget about it altogether and cause fire. Even a minor thing like carelessness, such as forgetting to use insulated gloves, mindlessly placing a hot iron on a desk, or turning the electric heater up too high, can give them injuries, like burns and scalds.
Drug Overdose and Poisoning
The rate of overdose among elderly people who are living alone is alarmingly high. This is mainly because of seniors’ tendency to forget whether or not they have already taken their medications for particular schedule and may take an extra dose without meaning to. Taking over-the-counter drugs or taking medications prescribed to other people, regardless if it is intended for the same condition, can also be dangerous and may cause drug interactions, which can often result to poisoning.
While accidents can never be predicted, they can be easily prevented. Make sure your elderly loved ones get the best care from our skilled care providers at Aztek Nursing Registry, Inc., the best health care center in Miami FL. Set an appointment with us at 305-252-7511.
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